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CS7 Mobile Game
Supercell Logo Clash of Clans Shield Logo CoC Clan Level 5 - Clan Shield Logo

Page Contents

Clan Perks

Donation request wait time:15 minutes
Donation limit:6 troops
Donation refund:20% cost
Donation upgrade:1 level
Treasury extra storage:20%
War bonus extra loot:15%

Clash of Clans



CS7 Command

  • Game Commander: Jarod997
  • Clan Representative: Jarod997

In-Game Command

  • Leader: Jarod997
  • Co-Leader: Flamefanner
  • Elder: GGElmer
  • Elder: Tank_Destroyer

Admission Requirements

  • No requirements

Clan Description

Clash of Clans is an open group, anyone can join. We only ask that you follow our rules, which are fairly simple.

We will do wars continually as soon as we get enough people who are eligible to participate.

Clan Rules

  1. Be polite and respectful of clan members and other players.
  2. No swearing.
  3. Clan wars will be filled with the top most participating members. In the case where participation is close, people will be rotated in and out.


Enjoy, donate, CLASH!

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