April 2020

  • Website Updates


    With help from some of our members, we now have a live Wiki, and Forum. Both are accessible from our main page.

August 2019

  • Website Updates


    Added Verse Of The Day to the main page. Also added minor headings to the top of the page: "Established MMVI", and the quote from Matthew 18:20, which I feel represents us well.

April 2019

  • Website Updates


    The game pages for World of Warships, World of Tanks (AO), and World of Tanks (E) have been updated. You can now find up-to-date information on the Naval Base buildings, and Strongholds buildings. A mouse-over on any of the building icons will show more information for each building.

  • Game Page Added


    The game page for Star Trek Online has been added. You can now find up-to-date information on the Fleet Holdings including each department level. A mouse-over on any of the fleet item icons will show more information for each holding.

  • Clan Info Update


    The game tags for Clash Royale and Brawl Stars have been posted on the game page. You can search for the clan name "CS7Clan.com" or by tag. Game pages coming soon.

  • Supercell Update


    The game pages for Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars have been added! All the clan specific info is listed for each game (where applicable). Our mobile games are open recruitment - no CS7 Membership is required, just follow the rules.

October 2018

  • Hurricane Relief


    During the recent Hurricane Michael one of our members had his roof torn off his house. We're taking up an offering to help with their rebuilding expenses. For more information see our Discord server.

September 2018

  • Clan Hand Off


    CS7 was officially handed over to our third leader, Jarod997. We held our first semi-formal leaders meeting and have started to lay out the framework for the structure of CS7 and all of our membership. Leadership structure, roles and responsibilities and a few other key items were approved.


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  • Etiam tincidunt odio


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  • Etiam tincidunt odio


    Aut magni culpa, ipsam voluptatum. Laborum commodi, eum suscipit quae a aut repudiandae eaque quas iure. Alias sunt adipisci deserunt sed libero, pariatur deleniti dolor distinctio nulla voluptate. Illum, quaerat.

  • Etiam tincidunt odio


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